Weiwu Pang

Hi visitor!

My name is Weiwu Pang. I’m a PhD student in the Computer Science department at the University of Southern California. I’m currenly a member of Networked System Lab and advised by Prof. Ramesh Govindan.

I have a broad interest in different topics in networking system.

The major theme that I’m working toward my PhD thesis is about using computing resources at the edge to accomplish tasks including autonomous driving and AR/VR applications.

Besides that, I’m also interested in topics in the areas of networking and large-scale computing system.

Here are the list of publications of the projects that I’ve been working since my PhD career.

  1. RECAP: 3D Traffic Reconstruction
    Shin, Christina Suyong,  Pang, Weiwu, Li, Chuan, Bai, Fan, Ahmad, Fawad, Paek, Jeongyeup, and Govindan, Ramesh
    In 30th Annual International Conference on Mobile Computing and Networking (ACM MobiCom 24) 2024
  2. Cooperative Infrastructure Perception
    Ahmad, Fawad, Shin, Christina Suyong,  Pang, Weiwu, Leong, Branden, Ghosh, Pradipta, and Govindan, Ramesh
    In 2024 IEEE/ACM Ninth International Conference on Internet-of-Things Design and Implementation (IoTDI) 2024
  3. UbiPose: Towards Ubiquitous Outdoor AR Pose Tracking Using Aerial Meshes
    Pang, Weiwu, Xia, Chunyu, Leong, Branden, Ahmad, Fawad, Paek, Jeongyeup, and Govindan, Ramesh
    In 29th Annual International Conference on Mobile Computing and Networking (ACM MobiCom 23) 2023
  4. CloudCluster: Unearthing the Functional Structure of a Cloud Service
    Pang, Weiwu, Panda, Sourav, Amjad, Jehangir, Diot, Christophe, and Govindan, Ramesh
    In 19th USENIX Symposium on Networked Systems Design and Implementation (NSDI 22) Apr 2022
  5. Rim: Offloading Inference to the Edge
    Hu, Yitao,  Pang, Weiwu, Liu, Xiaochen, Ghosh, Rajrup, Ko, Bongjun, Lee, Wei-Han, and Govindan, Ramesh
    In Proceedings of the International Conference on Internet-of-Things Design and Implementation Apr 2021

Before joining NSL, I participated in several exciting research projects during my undergraduate study. This experience drove me in making the decision to go to grad school. Here are the publications of the projects during that period.

  1. Sizes of pure and doped helium droplets from single shot x-ray imaging
    Tanyag, Rico Mayro P, Bacellar, Camila,  Pang, Weiwu, Bernando, Charles, Gomez, Luis, Jones, Curtis Freeland, Ferguson, Ken R, Kwok, Justin, Anielski, Denis, Belkacem, Ali, and others,
    The Journal of Chemical Physics 2022
  2. Aggregation of solutes in bosonic versus fermionic quantum fluids
    Feinberg, Alexandra J., Verma, Deepak, O’Connell-Lopez, Sean M.O., Erukala, Swetha, Tanyag, Rico Mayro P.,  Pang, Weiwu, Saladrigas, Catherine A., Toulson, Benjamin W., Borgwardt, Mario, Shivaram, Niranjan, Lin, Ming-Fu, Haddad, Andre Al, Jäger, Wolfgang, Bostedt, Christoph, Walter, Peter, Gessner, Oliver, and Vilesov, Andrey F.
    Science Advances 2021
  3. Shapes of rotating normal fluid ^3\mathrmHe versus superfluid ^4\mathrmHe droplets in molecular beams
    Verma, Deepak, O’Connell, Sean M. O., Feinberg, Alexandra J., Erukala, Swetha, Tanyag, Rico Mayro P., Bernando, Charles,  Pang, Weiwu, Saladrigas, Catherine A., Toulson, Benjamin W., Borgwardt, Mario, Shivaram, Niranjan, Lin, Ming-Fu, Al Haddad, Andre, Jäger, Wolfgang, Bostedt, Christoph, Walter, Peter, Gessner, Oliver, and Vilesov, Andrey F.
    Phys. Rev. B Jul 2020
  4. Angular Momentum in Rotating Superfluid Droplets
    O’Connell, Sean M. O., Tanyag, Rico Mayro P., Verma, Deepak, Bernando, Charles,  Pang, Weiwu, Bacellar, Camila, Saladrigas, Catherine A., Mahl, Johannes, Toulson, Benjamin W., Kumagai, Yoshiaki, Walter, Peter, Ancilotto, Francesco, Barranco, Manuel, Pi, Marti, Bostedt, Christoph, Gessner, Oliver, and Vilesov, Andrey F.
    Phys. Rev. Lett. May 2020